Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Time to update? of my kids told me it was time to update my blog. Last one in Sept...hum?

My life is a bowl of cherries...I just have a bit of a problem with the pits once in a while but otherwise Life is good.

I'll be seeing all my kids and grandkids in about 2 weeks and will meet our new #8 grandbaby then. I'll be leaving Catie-Lynn in the states to work for her supper, I mean for her college expenses. When I return from the states Carlos and I will truly be empty nesters since my mother-in-law isn't here either.

Life is good...I just have to watch out for the pits!

Time to update my photo...Hum?

No way!!! That photo is over a year old but it's the best one I have...I'm just older now. Maybe I'll update after I get that face lift, tummy tuck, arm reduction, boob lift, etc that I've been waiting for. But since I'm still waiting for all that, you'll have to wait for a new photo!!

Life is good....

it's just those darn little pits! :)


Amy Baity Gates said...

Maybe you can come visit ;)

nAnnie Laurie said...

Let's talk about those "pits" sometime if you need an ear or a shoulder...I'm FINALLY learning how to enjoy the cherries a bit - finally :)