Monday, August 18, 2008

Today I turned 54

Yes, it's hard to believe but I was indeed born in 1954 so that makes me...well, really old according to my 17 year daughter!! I remember how old my parents were when they were younger than I am now! Weird. You NEVER think you are going to THAT old...then one day you wake up and you ARE older than your parents were when they were really old!!

So, what does this all mean? It means that I need to make some changes in my life.

I will be more content with my life and how it is going.
I will see the beauty in my life and in myself.
I will love the time that I have with my family...the phone calls, the visits, the hugs, the sugars for my grandkids...since they are too few and far between.
I will look forward to tomorrow but live today and enjoy the ride.

*I have a great life.
*5 Kids who are growing up and starting their own wonderful families
*4 kids-in-law who think I'm the greatest mother-in-law
(I'm sure that's NOT because I live 2,000 miles away)
*7 grandchildren who love Grandma to come and visit...some who don't understand that yet
*a husband of 32 years who says he's glad he has me around
*friends who still call me their friend after so many years and so many miles apart
*2 sisters, 1 brother, sister & brother-in-laws...all who are special parts in my life
*Love...What more could I want.

Thank you all for being such a terrific addition to my life.


Heather said...

Happy (Belated) BIrthday to one AMAZING woman!

Anonymous said...

My Friend.. I am so sorry that I missed your birthday. I am glad you are enjoying life. I miss being able to talk with you more often, but I am glad that you have such a great outlook. I miss you and love you.

Suzie Soda said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 55 this year. We are " more mature" but still young at heart, right? You will always be fun , Cindy. Here's to many more. xoxoxo