Monday, December 17, 2007

When opportunity knocks?

When Opportunity knocks...

one takes another persons wallet out of their pocket while on the bus, take their bank cards, making sure not to touch the money, throw the wallet at the side of the person one took it from so they think it fell out of their pocket. They look to see the money is still there and relieved that it just fell out of their pocket and nothing was stolen.

When Opportunity knocks....

one crosses the border and after filling up apparently all of one's relatives cars with gas, one heads for the nearest casino and spends to one's hearts content for the next 6 hours. It doesn't matter to one that one is racking up over $2,000 in debt, after all, one is enjoying oneself at someone else's expense.

When opportunity knocks....

one sees that the cars are not at home so one gets a ladder left under the house so one can see what is in the second floor windows. Upon seeing that the ladder isn't tall enough to cut the screens and get in, one scavengers around, much like a rat, yes, exactly like a rat, until one finds things that one can carry away...

When opportunity knocks....

one takes a 10 pound bag of laundry soap left in the laundry room and a grill utensil set one finds under the cover of the grill. And don't bother putting the ladder away.

When opportunity knocks....

one leaves the others feeling a great lack of trust in their fellow beings.

Amazing what 'one' can do when opportunity knocks!


Heather said...

Oh no! That is horrible! When did that all happen?